Audition Hints
While each director has their own particular way of auditioning for a show, the following information may be helpful if you have never auditioned before, or if you are new to TNT.
Before Auditioning
If you are thinking of auditioning for a show, be sure to:
– Learn about the show, and consider if there is a part you might be suited for. Directors will often expand the age range, and/or physical descriptions of characters. If possible, read the script before auditioning so you are familiar with the story and characters. Most scripts are available at the public library. There are also detailed storylines of plays available online. Many times there is also a movie version of plays — beware though- movie version frequently differ greatly from the stage script.
– Be sure to look at the performance dates and your own calendar. Don’t audition for a show if you are not available for ALL performances and tech week rehearsals. Directors will try to accommodate occasional conflicts. Most shows will rehearse 4-6 days a week for 6 to 8 weeks. It’s a lot of fun, but requires a commitment on your part as well.
– Check this web page for audition dates and requirements. If you are auditioning for a musical, choose your audition song and be prepared to sing with piano accompaniment.
When You Come to the Audition
– Arrive within the designated times. You will be filling out a TNT audition form before you see the director. If you have a resume sheet, you are welcome to bring that along, but it is not required.
– Be sure to bring all known conflicts with you. You will be including that with your audition information.
– Some directors will have the stage manager send in one auditioner at a time, other directors will bring everyone in the auditorium and then begin auditions.
Auditioning for a Musical
– Be sure to read the audition information from the director (on this page) so you are prepared.
– Usually you will be asked to bring sheet music to sing for the director. Unless otherwise specified, you will be accompanied by piano. Sometimes for our large musicals, the director will offer the option of signing up for chorus without auditioning. However, if there is a large turnout, there is a possibility that not everyone will be cast. If you are new to TNT and comfortable doing a singing audition, you may want to audition even if you are planning to be in the chorus.
– Occasionally there will be a dance audition as well. If so, it will be indicated in the audition information on this page. If there is a dance audition, wear clothing and shoes suitable to move in.
General Notes
– If you have never auditioned before, you may want to practice a few things ahead of time so you are more comfortable and confident. Most everyone gets a little nervous before an audition, but try to have fun. Everyone who is in our shows had a FIRST TIME they auditioned, and we all remember how that was. And even our experienced actors still get a little nervous sometimes! But we have a lot of fun, and everyone will try to make you feel comfortable. If you come prepared, it will be easier.
– It’s a really good idea to practice your song with a piano before you come. It’s a lot different from singing along with a recorded song. Sing a song that is familiar to you. A song from a musical is a better choice than a “pop” song. If you don’t know any songs from a musical, maybe you have a favorite church song you can sing.
– The director may also ask you to read some lines from the script. He/she will give you a few minutes to look it over. Speak your lines as if you were saying them to a friend all the way in the back of the theater. You can't be too loud. But if you are too quiet, the director might choose someone else. Practice reading some lines in your backyard, or in an empty room or someplace where you can learn to fill up the space with your voice.
– The director may ask you some questions about yourself. Speak loudly and clearly (this is part of your audition too!)
And most importantly:
– SMILE and have fun! Break a leg. We look forward to meeting you.