LOCATION:  5883 Youngstown Warren Rd., Niles, OH 44446



(leave message at number above or email the webmaster)

President: B. Bunker

1st Vice President: Connie Cassidy

2nd Vice President: J. Sakonyi

Treasurer:  L. Bennett

Secretary:  T. Gilbert

TRUSTEES — K. Bowers, J. Crank, T. Gysegem, Marisa Keshock, N. Miller


ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE – J. Ewing, D. Nuhfer, E. Ranttila

Email officers & trustees through webmaster, emails will be forwarded to appropriate individual(s).

EMAIL OUR  [email protected]

Questions about our video marquee: [email protected]

SUPPORT provided by a grant with:

To Members and Friends of Trumbull New Theatre:

To ensure the safety of all who participate with TNT, the following are safety measures that have been put into place, thus far, by the Board of Trustees:

  • background checks will be required for all those in top leadership positions.  This includes all Board Members, within 2 months of being elected to the board and to be kept up to date throughout their term(s).  This also includes show directors, assistant directors and stage managers – a background check is to be completed prior to their auditions only when a minor is anticipated to work in any capacity on the show.  Background checks will be provided at TNT expense.
  • no minor can show up to participate in a production unless there are least two background-checked adult principals of the show (director, asst. director, stage manager) present.
  • Lights On Certification has been obtained by one-third of the current Board of Trustees so that in the future there will be an in-house resource to hear people’s concerns. Others will receive training when available after the annual meeting.
  • the BAND app will be used as the only means of communication for productions. This will, in turn, be deleted once the show is closed. This will prevent the unintentional sharing of personal contact information of cast and crew members during the production.
  • the presence of the minor(s) parent/guardian will be required at the cast read-thru/get together to assure those parents/guardians are provided the Code of Conduct, House Rules, etc. and have the opportunity to read and sign acknowledging said policies and rules.
  • we have amended the House Rules to make it clear that there is to be no alcohol on TNT premises, except that which is offered to patrons and guests in the lobby on performance days (for donation) or other special events/fundraisers.
  • establishment of the ACTS (Advocacy Committee for Theatre Safety) to be comprised of members and volunteers to evaluate our policies and procedures and present suggestions to help us get better.

We have taken and will continue to take every step possible to protect the people who participate at TNT.

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